Tag: wedding shoes

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Finding the right wedding shoes is just one of the tasks every bride faces when planning her wedding day look. Wedding shoes are not your average pair of heels–let’s face it, you’ll probably spend more time selecting them than any other pair you own! The way they look is certainly one of the factors you’ll take into consideration, but there’s a whole lot more to the decision than looks

There are countless wedding traditions that have been passed down from past generations that today’s couples are happy to embrace. White wedding gowns, garter belts, the exchange of rings, a big cake…these are just a few of the staples you’d expect to see at most modern weddings. While tradition still reigns supreme in most weddings,

White has been the favorite bridal gown color for decades, and any woman feels like a bride as soon as she slips into a dramatic white gown. But some women are looking for a bit of color. Maybe pink is your signature color or you never leave the house without wearing something blue.

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